Last year this rally was attended by over 100,000 people from all over the country. This year, not so much, due to the rainy weather that lasted the whole weekend. Not to fear, though, as there were many events taking place inside the Convention Center that housed not only the bike shows, but a Tattoo Expo, various stunt shows, a Harley-Davidson fashion show as well as a pin-up show.
There where many more attractions inside, as well as outside, taking place even with the wet weather. Visitors enjoyed live music with 20 bands on two stages at this free, family-friendly festival. There were also contests and other events that benefited charities such as the USO of N.C. and U.S. Veterans Corps. But, at the top of my list, one of the largest custom bike shows in the Southeast at the Motorsports Expo. And not just of size, the quality of the event and the custom bikes themselves get better and better each year too.
This show has become the largest motorcycle event in North Carolina and in my opinion, one of the best in the Southeast. Kudos to everyone who had a hand in organizing this event as well as Ray Price for coming up with this great event experience. Special thanks to Del Soucier for all the help and respect he has provided me and Barnett’s Magazine Online the last couple of years. At many events that I cover that is not always the case. Be sure to check out the video of last year’s event that shows just how great this rally is when it isn’t under water. LOL!
For more detailed info on the Ray Price Capital City Bikefest go to: