’09 Cincinnati V-Twin Expo
Story and Photos by Jack Cofano
What were my impressions of the 2009 Vtwin Expo? How about this: It was bulging with bitchin bobbers, big butt baggers, and big bawdy builds that boggled the brain. The building was brimming with boundless booty, not to mention the bevy of beautiful buxomly bodacious babes.
To B or not to B….what the hell am I talking about? I have no clue. Hey, I don’t get paid to make sense. I know, you’re saying to yourself “He actually gets paid”…. shocks the hell out of me too.
One of the trends that I was happy to see at the show where bikes that I have been pushing for a while. For no better label let’s call them Streetfighters. Jesse Rooke and Roland Sands have been at the forefront of this style for the last few years and they didn’t disappoint with thier contributions to the show. Harley Davidson has finally brought the XR1200 Sportster back to this country and company call Storz Performance (www.storzperf.com) had one on display showing their add on improvement parts. Sweet! I also have to add the bike built by ROEHR Motorcycles (www.roehrmotorcycles.com) with a V-ROD engine powering a bike that looks like it’s going a hundred standing still.
Finally I was impressed by the overall positive attitude I heard all around me. Absent where the negative Nazi’s and the doomsday brigade that are not what we need at this time. The attitude at the show is exactly what our industry needs right now. The government is not going to bail us out, it’s up too everyone in the industry to give it the old American can do.