Custombike Aftermarket Show Part 2 – Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Story by Mark Barnett and Horst Rosler
Photos by Horst Rosler
Given all the new environmental restrictions and the bad news about the economy worldwide, there were still brand new products released at the Custombike show this year. Typhoon Motors of Finnentrop, Germany created a 2,500cc, 124 horsepower torque monster motor which is designed to be one of the fastest V-twin engines on the market. Newcomer Jack Lomaz debuted his elegant bodywork for V-Rods, many people crowded around his exhibit. NH-Power came out with an extremely innovative primary drive which will allow tires of up to 300mm remain exactly centered. Rick’s Motorcycles required a huge truck to transport all the bikes and equipment they brought to the show. They entertained the crowd by customizing a stock Cross Bones into a 300mm “Fat Ass” custom bike in just three days in front of attendees.
Overall, the spirit to ride and customizes is still strong on the continent. This year’s Custombike show brought a message of optimism to the entire European bike scene. There is business out there, you just have to find it.