I always try to make sure that I feature the bikes and their components so that the viewer can maybe get an idea of something they might like on their personal ride.
Daytona Beach Bike Week has always been a great place to share with you dozens of custom creations for your viewing enjoyment. This year was no exception. There are so many bikes this year that we decided to do four days of bikes so that you don’t get bored clicking on photo after photo until you either loose interest or go blind trying to peruse so many at a time. Each day will feature new photos of different bikes until you won’t want to see another custom motorcycle for a while.
Ed. Note – Checking out Smilin’ Jack’s photo gallery is always a pleasure. Personally, I think he’s the best shoot and run photographer out there. If he ever had time for real studio shots, I think we’d see a whole new thing. Jack’s a master craftsman who takes pride in showing you the best custom motorcycles under the most adverse show conditions. The mans’s got talent, smarts and a love of motorcycles. What more can you ask of Jack Cofano?