I mean it’s just too bad because someone spent a lot of time, money, and effort building this bike and probably wonders why they never get the respect they think they deserve for all their work. Sure would be easy just to supply a minimalist bit of info for us to work with so we can continue to hopefully entertain you, our dear readers and highly-opinionated Internet judges of all things custom.
Strangely, this 96” S&S-powered black with red accents beastie is kind of an anomaly for the metric bike dealer (all four major Japanese brands) with a penchant for stretched and lowered Hayabusas. But, it sure would have been a lot more interesting to find out the how and why of how and why this came about. Plus there were some questions I had about the fork that I would have love to have had answered, but didn’t. Hey, am I crazy (actually I am so maybe that isn’t relevant) or does the working geometry of that fork seem to be a bit odd? I mean, I love the beefy mechanical looks of it, but it appears that when it compresses over a bump, the wheelbase is extended. Anybody had any experience with this type of setup outside of the show circuit? You know, on the road at speed?
Hey, it’s too bad we just have to look at the Jack’s lovely photos and wonder what the rest of the build is all about. At least they’re interesting photos and maybe you’ll get some good ideas for your own build. One good idea any builder could get out of this is to read and answer your email and get proper credit for your hard work.