Story and Photos by Jack Cofano {phocagallery view=categories|categoryid=775|imagecategories=0|}
Everyone who rides should put their ass on some class. I know not everyone can afford to dish out the bucks for a custom seat but there are alternatives that can cut the expense to a somewhat reasonable price. Featured in this article is High Rollers Cycle Seats in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, owned and operated by Butch Watson. I can personally vouch for the quality of his one-off designs as I have photographed quite a few bikes that are adorned with his beautiful creations and with over 30 years of experience in the business, you can be sure to receive show bike craftsmanship.
High Rollers specializes in custom motorcycle seats and accessories. According to Butch they can start by custom building your pan, work from your stock or aftermarket seat, or use a seat pan you have made yourself. If you decide to make your own pan, they will be glad to walk you through the steps of making a perfect-fitting custom seat pan. They now also feature heavy lacing and hand-tooled seats in addition to their fine leatherwork. High Rollers custom designs will turn your show bike into a one of a kind masterpiece.
Along with fine leather they have a vast array of hides and materials for you to choose from including ostrich, stingray, calfskin, and of coarse my favorite, alligator. Sorry no Panda or Polar Bear, PETA would frown upon that. For the tree-hugging crowd they now also offer a large selection of faux exotic hides. High Rollers has something for every budget and every taste.
Something that I found very interesting and something that I would probably be interested in is what they call “The Seat Doctor Leg Stretchers”. What they do is lower and narrow your factory seat using your own factory cover. For someone like me who is vertically challenged this can mean the difference between tiptoes and feet flat on the ground. Sweet! Butch told me he has done over 100 seats this year using this procedure.
You can contact Butch at 336-788-4842 or better yet check out his web site at Custom bikes using High Rollers seats have appeared in numerous magazines including many in Barnett’s Magazine. Did I mention that he is not only a master leatherworker but also a really great guy?