As always, there was a lot going on at Corbin’s like the 3rd annual Biker Bob bike show on the grass, curated by Biker Bob, which was a popular event. Of course, there was food inside Corbin’s Wizard’s Cafe and outside, other food vendors, especially the great Robert’s Up In Smoke BBQ, made sure no stomach was left empty. No alcohol was available at Corbin’s, but for those who must, plenty was available at the beer gardens and bars just a couple of miles down the street in town.
A buch of industry pioneers like Arlen Ness, Cole Foster, John Reed, Ron Simms, Barnett Clutch & Cables, and Sonny and Zorena Barger were on hand along with famed bike builder Aaron Greene who came out of hiding to show some of his work. He now hides in a nondescript town north of San Francisco doing his magic The chairman of the annual Rip’s B.A.D. Ride, Steve Shapario, was also there. In my opinion, Steve is a bottom-feeding lawyer, but swims at the top of the school. He’s one of the good guys who actually handles his own cases.
When you’re checking out the photo gallery, you’ll see one of a guy riding a Norton Atlas up a grass hill and the next of a guy whipping down the hill on a strange Yamaha. That’s Mike before and now. Does Mike still ride? Ask any of the guys that have ridden with him from California to Sturgis. He rides like he’s driven, so now he rides alone and faster. Nobody to drag him down. I’ve ridden with him one year Hollister to Nepenthe in Big Sur via a military base and forest service road over the San Padre mountains for a Ambrosia burger. The next time we rode directly to Nepenthe and returned to Hollister over the mountain. I understand why he rides alone!
All I can say to sum this event up is that it’s another great Mike Corbin production!