All of Knockout’s Cheap Shot bikes are significantly numbered. The “83” on the side of this bike signifies the year Jereme was born.
“It was a budget bike and we tried to help the guy out a lot because of the reason he was doing it,” Ralph said. “It’s one of our frames, we did a new frame design as a test, and we had a lot of things lying around the shop. We used a lot of our own parts and helped him put it together. I don’t know what he’s going to do with it, but if he sells it or raffles it, the money will go to the family, there were some costs they had to deal with, and that’s really why we wanted to help.”
Knockout is still going strong as a full-service shop as well as offering their parts line and custom bikes. “We’re still in the game, we’re hanging on,” Ralph said, laughing. “That’s pretty exciting at this point. So many guys are gone, so we’re really stoked to still be here.”
Ralph and Knockout has recently wrapped up a new online TV series for historic warplane and custom motorcycle enthusiasts titled “WarBikes™ – Kickstarting History”. Shows are comprised of multiple mini-series offering viewers an up-close experience as a build team explores the unique history and craftsmanship behind historic American military aircraft and then produces a custom motorcycle worthy of its namesake.
By the by, if you fly on a major commercial airline, sneak a look at the pilot when you’re boarding as he could be Ralph Randolph. Yes, Ralph’s other job is flying the great unwashed to destinations all over the USA. The former Marine, college tuition cage fighter/architecture major, and pilot somehow found time to build custom bikes on the side before finally going into business with partner Ken Lucas in 2002. Now that’s some resume. “I grew up riding motorcycles as a kid, I’ve been into motorcycles my whole life,” said Ralph. “It was just a passion for creating stuff and the love of riding motorcycles that started this whole thing.” Ralph’s Marine/pilot background gives him great regard to attend to the little things when building a bike for a customer. “The things that we won’t let slide that maybe other guys would let go, we won’t do it ‘cause we know people are gonna ride the s**t out of our bikes,” he said. “Being a Marine and pilot, we bring a safety issue into it, a responsibility issue, and that leads to a great, mechanically sound product.” Having a degree in design doesn’t hurt either as far as creative style goes.
Kenny does most of the more technical motor and transmission work while Ralph focuses on design and fabrication. Knockout makes their own tanks, oil bags, struts, license-plate mounts, forward controls, pegs, bear-trap-style kicker pedals, handlebars, exhaust systems, seat kits with shocks, and wheels. They use a mill and lathe, and every other machine that gives them the manufacturing capacity of a bigger shop.
But make no mistake; Knockout hasn’t forgotten its roots. It’s still very much a full service shop where you can get your bike’s oil changed, fix a flat, or modify your Harley to your very own taste. “We’re gonna care for a customer’s bike the same as we care for our own bikes,” said Ralph. “We want them to have an experience here they won’t forget.” Check out Knockout’s cool bikes and extensive parts line at or call 480-279-1734.
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