When it comes to custom motorcycles, it’s always about the paint. Paint is a make-or-break item that can elevate a build or sink it before you even get to the good stuff. Unfortunately for this build, in my opinion, the horrible paint scheme clearly gets in the way of what is a very nice build underneath the shocking paint. I appreciate that the owner/builder was trying to make a show bike that stood out from the others, but frankly this one stands out so much it’s in a class of one. Yeah, I’m being very opinionated and harsh and I rarely if ever do that to someone’s personal build, but this one’s got me totally bamboozled.
As I said, underneath the flamingo pink finish there’s a great build going on. The lugged frame has had a substantial number of serious mods from the curved downtube with its mid-point curved brace to under the engine where there’s a whole lot of curved tubing going into a mid-point lug where there was never one. Same goes for the “rear fender” and stays which are lugged too and part of the frame more than add-ons. All good custom stuff.
Yeah, I’m a springer freak and this one doesn’t disappoint me in any way with its long springs and machined legs. Or the simple and nice laced front wheel with no brake in sight per unofficial show bike regulations. All normal show bike mods that are done to a high quality here. Out back there’s another laced wheel this one built up from a stock drum brake and looking Old School attractive.
Then there’s the Harley-Davidson engine itself which is not only a cool piece dead stock, but a show animal with all the beautiful engraving Yeah, it’s pretty glittery but there’s nothing wrong with that as it’s simply a matter of personal taste. For all the work and effort put into this mill I have to assume it runs as well as it looks in spite of those incredibly short headers. It possibly is not the best idler, but it must bellow like a big block Chevy with open headers at full throttle.
Minimalist bodywork consisting of a Sportster-influenced tank design and the underslung oil tank look to be more a part of the frame rather tan separate pieces. Again, the work looks to be exemplary and I can’t fault any of it in any way. It’s all good design and nice work to blend in so nicely while still having an identity. Overall, I’m quite happy with the basics of the bike and give kudos to the builder for a fine job.
But then it all goes awry like the late Mr. Burns suggested without even knowing what a motorcycle was. Damn! White and pink for basis of a paintjob is risky at best and here it’s gone into the danger zone. Geeze Louise, to choose pink and aqua bubble graphics floating in white space is just too much! I mean really too much. Okay, the paint is done well, I can’t take that away, but crap, the final look is unnecessarily clownish or child’s birthday party favor on what otherwise would be a totally righteous ride. Somebody take this lovely bike completely apart and give it a nice paintjob it’s more than worthy of. And with that, I’m outta here waiting to see this bike in a new livery worthy of the build.