Rat’s Hole Show on Galveston Island
Story and photos by Rodent
The new promoters needed a bike show to complement the rally so they approached Ted Smith, Big Daddy Rat’s son, and an experienced and proven show promoter himself, and offered him the pier to put on a Galveston Rat’s Hole Show. A deal was made. The Rat’s first Texas show! The pier was probably the best location the Rat’s Hole has had since BDR was on the Boardwalk in Daytona back years ago. A nice grassy area alongside the pier offered places to relax and the quality restaurants were a plus. Guarded by a US Coast Guard and under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security and their boat docked on a trailer, bikes were checked in by Pam, Ted’s wife, and spotted by Dallas of Daytona. The free show proceeded under the watchful eyes of Coasties. It was a good show.