Now, the thing about this is that I’m so used to seeing Kenny Williams’ ultra-radical, long, low and s-m-o-o-t-h bikes and long, low and s-m-o-o-t-h baggers that probably don’t have a Motor Company part anywhere. Nothing wrong with that approach, of course, unless you’re invested financially in Harley-Davidson in one way or another. But, and yes it’s a big but, this time he took a factory specimen, a 2009 Harley-Davidson Ultra Tri Glide, and gave it some love. Man, there’s a whole lot of loving going on here for you trike freaks.
Sharon was apparently after a flashy, sassy look that didn’t get in the way of enjoying her Harley FLHTCUTG (sorry, I just love writing that Harley gibberish) anytime, anywhere, while looking like no other FLHTCUTG doing it. Hey, Kenny knows what he’s doing when it comes to bikes even if he’s building show bikes specifically not to your taste. What he accomplished here is a nice transformation of a regular old stock trike that most trike riders probably would be happy with as is in the first place. I mean, an Ultra isn’t a stripper, but a pretty damn loaded machine and not inexpensive to begin with. But, this is a six-year-old trike now and if you bought it new, it’s probably paid off by now so you can start thinking about dumping some fun money in it. If you bought it used, you saved enough in depreciation to spend a little more on silly fun stuff. Or so the rationalization goes.
Obviously a wheel change was one of the first orders of the day. Adding a bit of expense is there’re three custom wheels now instead of two, but, hey, that’s only the better way to show off a bit more wheel flash. And, another trike advantage is that you never have to worry about a brake rotor or a sprocket hiding your cutting-edge billet rear wheel. Kenny upsized both the front and rear a good amount that you can’t help but notice in a heart beat, but nothing insane. On board air suspension drops it down when it’s time for Sharon to lay low and then it’s air up and it’s business as usual.
Everywhere you look there’s been finger-snapping flash added that give this trike a sportier look. The new, much taller front fender stylistically paraphrases the lines of Harley’s touring line but in a leaner, cleaner way. Custom pinstriping adds interest and contrast. You might say this trike had been de-dowded as it’s not as seriously dowdy as the stocker can be to some trikers. You might need or want three wheels, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ride a chromed out, flashy-wheeled trike. It works for Sharon Vinson and it could for you too.