2010 Easyriders Charlotte Bike Show Tour Part 1
Story and Photos by Jack Cofano
This stop on the Easyriders 2010 Bike Show Tour was held at the Charlotte Convention Center on January 23-24 in beautiful downtown Charlotte, North Carolina. The Easyriders Bike Show has been the showcase for custom motorcycles for the last twenty years and to this day has been the place to be to show off your creation and possibly get your dream build into a magazine.
This year the weather gods were kind and the temperature was bearable enough that many attendees were able to ride their bikes to the show. I hate to beat a dead horse, but as with all the events and shows this year, the show was smaller than usual. The number of bikes was down from previous years, but surprisingly, attendance seemed about the same as last year. To me, that is a good sign.
There were not a lot of entries from the major builders. In the last few months I have talked to many Pro builders who have said it is no longer financially feasible to build spec bikes with their own money ― another sign of the times. The upside for me was that a lot of the quality bikes were built by small-time-Joe-next-door shops and other talented individuals. And, you guessed it ― they were built to ride, not just for show.
(to be continued Wednesday)