Since the East Coast seems to have a incredible amount of builders who specialize in custom baggers, the show was loaded with every kind of luggage-equipped two wheelers on hand. I’m glad to see that the Hot Wheels gargantuan front wheel baggers seem to have dwindled and a reasonable front end is coming back.
What hasn’t changed is the ridiculously-intricate paint jobs that adorn many of the bikes at the show. A lot of the baggers have murals that I wouldn’t mind putting on my walls if they were on canvas. I was told that one custom, The Raven, had a $30,000 paint job. I don’t know how accurate that gentleman was, but boy, you don’t want to put a dent or even a scratch on anything that expensive.
Of course there were also many bagless builds on display and this year there actually were more than I normally see in the South. Two notable bikes that caught my eye where showcased by Sacred Steel Bikes from the West Coast. In my experience it seems that the West Coast builders in general concentrate more on the traditional hot rod, San Francisco-style motorcycles that have always been my favorite.
I hope y’all enjoy the three days of bike photos and continue to support Barnett’s Magazine Online as well as Barnett Harley-Davidson’s online stores that have prices on H-D accessories that you just won’t find anywhere else.