Actually, this might even be a better version to ride across country than the original as it’s got to be a lot more stable and definitely easier to ride than the original. In case you didn’t know, it was rumored to be such a handful that Jack Nicholson actually broke one of Peter Fonda’s ribs squeezing him with his legs to keep his balance while he was riding on the back. Plus it holds a lot more gas (and room for more contraband) and it’s a lot easier to hang a bit more luggage on board. Maybe you think it’s not as cool, but just ask the little lovely sprawled all over this version which one she’d like more and I think you know the answer.
Updated trike versions of iconic bikes are a whole new ball game when you think about it and who knows what else may be triked out. Marlon’s Triumph? Lee Marvin’s Harley? As long as The Scooter Store doesn’t start advertising an adult mobility trike version of Captain America’s ride on late night TV, I’m okay with trike interpretations of iconic choppers. Well for now at least, I might think differently in the future.