Taking a modern Harley and retroizing (Is that a real term? “Yes it is,” says the other voice in my head) it becomes a smite easier when you’re starting with a springer dangling off of it. Springers are a direct link to the past, but with modern updates and manufacturing techniques that still makes it a totally viable modern cruiser suspension. “This is my first Harley, I always wanted one. I’m a springer fanatic and when they brought the Heritage Springer back with a black springer and with an Old School color [Olive Pearl] in 2007, everything kinda clicked. I said to myself, ‘That’s the one,’ ” said Glen.
Buying a new ’07 H-D FLSTSC was made even sweeter as Harley threw some whipped cream and nuts in the mix with an enlarged engine (88” to 96”) and 6-speed versus the previous 5-speed. Glen probably would have left well enough alone except fate stepped in and provided even more of an engine upgrade. “I kind of walked into that deal. The exhaust crossover pipe was such a close fit and put an indentation in the casing like the groove for a cigarette on an ashtray,” said Glen. “Harley said, ‘You have your choice, you can get an interface cover or you can have the cases replaced.’ I only had 1,100 miles on it and wanted the cases replaced. Because the labor was covered, I ended up buying the parts for a 103” and had it modified.” Along with the added cubes were Screamin’ Eagle high-compression heads and a SE 255 cam just to add punch. So could a rider new to Harleys tell the difference? “It’s night and day! I first rode with the 96” and I’m like, ‘Okay, this is fine,” and once I rode the 103” with all the changes, it was like ‘Wow!’ said Glen. The Vance & Hines Fishtail exhaust adds a nostalgic touch while echoing (literally) the newfound power. “When I did the Iron Butt, I had a guy behind me say, ‘You’re killing me!’ but I don’t think it’s that loud. It’s got a nice sound,” said Glen. You might have noticed that “Iron Butt” mention (goal of 1,000 miles within 24 hours) and yes it’s true as Glen added, “Yeah, I did an Iron Butt on this bike, 1,080 miles in 19 hours and that was in bad weather too.”
When he wasn’t riding an Iron Butt, Glen kept at it with retro touches like the fender rails and trim along with Wild 1 Chubby Springer Knuckle bars with H-D Nostalgic grips and Joker Machine round mirrors. Dash mods included a Tear Drop upper panel that Glen added a visor to just because he liked it and a tidy leather tank pouch by Alligator Bob, but that’s not all. Dave Topp, who did the engine work at Woodstock Harley-Davidson, knew Glen’s quest-for-symmetry problem and mirrored the odo-reset switch with a similar switch for the passing lamps on the other side of the dash. Nice touch. Glen’s OCD kicked in again when he saw the front shock mount had a bolt and acorn nut attachment and he replaced it with a threaded rod and two acorn nuts for symmetry. Glen laughed about his “problem” and said, “I like something to be uniform, I’m kinda anal.”
So what does the first time H-D owner think of his ride? “It looks good and it’s not overdone, that was my goal along with being a rider. I’ve got a little over 22,000 miles on it. She’s not just sittin’, she’s being used,” said Glen. “I think the leatherwork (see sidebar) really sets it off. I’m looking into getting something that my fiancé is gonna like to ride like an Ultra or Street Glide, but I’m keeping the springer.”
Up close: Alligator Bob-Advanced Custom Design
You might have noticed that all the leather work (and there’s quite a bit) on Glen Fruhstuck’s springer was hardly mentioned in the main feature and reason for that is Glen had so much to say about the work of Alligator Bob of Advanced Custom Design in Lake Villa, Illinois. It needed its own special mention.
First up is the reworked Softail Deluxe seat and Glen said, “Alligator Bob’s really talented and the craftsmanship, everything lives up to the reputation he’s got. If you look at it, all the studs around the back of the seat and where the post comes up for the backrest, everything is uniform and in line and symmetrical. Everything’s detailed and the stitching is straight, He does phenomenal work.” Bob put one of his Pro Pads under the leather and Glen give it a thumbs up. “The Pro Pad is not a gel; it’s a polymer that they use in wheelchairs. To me, it’s one of the best things I bought.”
Glen had Bob re-do the top of the Leather Pros saddlebags and add the studs and conchos to match the seat. “Those conchos I got through Alligator Bob, he had someone make them out of silver nickel, all handmade,” said Glen. “It’s actually two solid pieces, the button piece is solid and the second piece has cutouts.” The way-cool mudflaps are concho-matching and made out of buffalo with kangaroo lacing. It should also be noted that the tank pouch is expandable to hold even more than it looks and is a useful feature rarely seen on Harleys.
For more info on Advanced Custom Design, visit www.alligatorbob.com or call 847-265-9378.
Builder: Glen Fruhstuck
While this may be Glen Fruhstuck’s first Harley (and surely not his last), this isn’t his first bike. “I pretty much started riding when I was 16 riding Yamahas, Kawasakis, and Hondas ― crotch rockets,” said Glen. “I just thought I needed to get something I could cruise on.” A Harley was his only choice and a springer headed the list. After initially checking out used ones, Glen picked out an Olive Pearl springer and almost immediately set about making it his own. “I looked at some used ones and I don’t know if it’s because they had so many miles or they weren’t maintained, but it was a very stiff (referring to the fork) ride,” he said. “This one rides like a dream.”
Glen doesn’t claim to be a master builder or anything like that, he’s a guy who loves his motorcycle and loves riding his motorcycle. As mentioned in the feature story, he’s got over 22,000 on it (remember he lives in Illinois which isn’t exactly known for its year-round riding) and would have even more if it wasn’t for a little problem he encountered. “I didn’t do much riding towards the end of the season last year; I had a pancreas transplant up in Madison, Wisconsin. I went in for a second surgery in May and six weeks later I started riding again,” said Glen. “I’ve been a diabetic for 32 years so not being a diabetic anymore is great. It definitely made a change in my life.” Speaking with him, he sounds like an enthusiastic 22-year-old with a newfound zest for enjoying life and motorcycles to the fullest. As far as customizing bikes, Glen said, “I like it, it’s fun, but it’s getting a little expensive.” Just for the record Glen, I look forward to seeing your new OCD Street Glide. I know you can’t leave it stock.
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