All the venues were swamped with hundreds of diehard motorcyclists getting to wear all their cold weather gear. I know, it wasn’t that cold but this transplanted northerner has been in the South long enough to get cold at 60-degrees.
None of that seemed to make one bit of difference to the crowds. Everywhere I went merriment and gaiety abounded (Alcohol will do that to you). The motorcycle community is unique in that there is always a place to meet up, be it a bike event, a weekend run, or your favorite watering hole.
There are so many venues, shows and different types of entertainment going on in the Daytona Beach area that I wouldn’t attempt to list them all. There is so much going on that you would have to have three or four clones to even come close to experiencing everything taking place around the area.
Daytona Beach Bike Week is always my first outdoor event of the year and it gets me psyched for the rest of the year. And, this year did not disappoint.