I am mentioning this because as you drool over the photos of the event today you will notice that there is a lot of what I like to call “Goddess Photos.” Wait, that’s what Charlie Sheen would call them. Damn, I guess I’ll have to come up with another politically correct term. I’m sure that viewing a gaggle of bodacious babes (that could work) might be a chore, but I know that y’all can deal with it. Some of you with “tiger blood” may actually force themselves to view some photos a few times just to make sure you get the full affect and, oh yea, make sure you’re not in the photo with the girl. Shame on you if you are and, by the way, congratulations too!
I try to get as much of the rally in photos as I can but alas I am only one and I can only be at so many places. I wanted to check out the bike shows at the Volusia Fairground and actually gave it a shot on Thursday morning after the rain and drove into a mud bog with very few bikes. Oh well, can’t get them all. As far as covering a lot of the other venues, the traffic put the kibosh on that as it just takes too long getting around and I hate burning daylight in traffic.
Main Street was and will always be a cluster fornication. I have to admit that I like the crowds during the week but on the weekend it’s just way too crowded. What a great place to be a pickpocket: drunken crowds, nuts-to-butts, and paying absolutely no attention to what is going on around them.
Fortunately I don’t think there are too many pickpockets around at bike week, if caught in the act they would be in major doo-doo. Can you say emergency room?
Every year I see more and more women riding their own bikes. It seems like the guys have finally convinced the ladies that getting off the back of their bikes and getting their own bags was a novel idea. Can I get a Hell Yeah? Ya gotta love to see the ladies cruising on their own bikes. I love the biker chick attitude as well as the hot leather outfits. WooWOO, you go girls!
All in all it was a real nice Daytona bike week this year. The weather was generally good, the crowds were plentiful, the Goddesses ungodly, and the beer cold. Hopefully by the time Octoberfest comes around the gas prices won’t be five bucks a gallon. If it get’s to that point I may have to drive down to Daytona on a mo-ped. Oh the horror! BM