Story and Photos by Jack Cofano {phocagallery view=categories|categoryid=771|imagecategories=0|}

I tend to see hundreds of bikes a year in my travels and due to an extreme case of CRS (Can’t Remember Sh#t) I don’t always have a good recollection of the various technical aspects of the custom builds I see. Being a very visual person, the thing that I do remember about a bike are its paint job and qraphics. It may actually be my favorite part of a build.
In my coverage of events this year I am going to feature a day of the most interesting art and paint that I run into. It truly amazes me the detail that can be achieved with a spray gun and an airbrush not to mention the talent and steady hand it takes to pinstripe a bike free hand and get both sides to match. Unfreakinbelievable!
This year at the Charlotte Easyriders Show there was plenty of great art to choose from and it seemed that although I’m sure unintentional, “skulls” seemed to be the word of the day. There were skulls everywhere, on tanks, on fenders, on top of other skulls. It was a regular bone yard! Although I am not a big fan of skulls other than my own, I have to admit that the ones that I saw at least didn’t remind me of anyone I know. Hopefully I’ll never lose my hair because my skull would look like a Klingon’s noggin.
Many of the tanks you see here were from a display by Chuck at Metal Art Customs who doesn’t seem to have a web site so I guess I can’t give him much of a promo but I will say that he does some fine work.
I am looking forward to showing a lot more photos of paint jobs in the future and hopefully you will find something that you would find that would be just perfect for your own bike. Hell, you might even get some ideas for new ink from your favorite tattoo parlor. Just don’t put it on your skull. OUCH!