Myrtle Beach Spring Rally 2009 Part 2
Story and Photos by Jack Cofano
I know this may sound crazy but something that put a smile on my face at this year’s Myrtle Beach Rally was that the city put up checkpoints on some of the major highways leading into the city proper and thus created traffic jams of epic proportions. You might say, “Why did that make you smile?” Why, because the vast majority of the vehicles were cars. There were very few bikes because the bikers avoided the city proper. The locals were understandably pissed off. My heart bleeds. Yeah right, I still smile when I think of it.
As most of the rally’s main hot spots are outside the city limits, it was absolutely no problem at all getting to them using the bypass and I didn’t experience any traffic problems whatsoever. And one more thing, I didn’t have to wear a helmet if I didn’t want to.
I don’t know what the future has in store for the Myrtle Beach rallies, only time will tell. I have to say that I do feel sorry for the businesses that are located in the city that fell on hard times during the rally, especially those who had to shut their doors. Some businesses like Broadway at the Beach will still prosper, but it is a shame that they too had to suffer the effects of the local politics.
All I can say is that I am proud of my brothers and sisters on two wheels who gave the city the single-finger salute, ignored the propaganda, and came to Myrtle Beach to have a great time. Party on!