The Smoke Out event is the premier Old School adults-only party on the East Coast and this year it was definitely more of a party than an event. I have covered the Smoke Out every year since it was in Salisbury, North Carolina, more than ten years ago. Throughout the years it has changed locations and now it is celebrated at the Rockingham Dragway near Rockingham, North Carolina.
Although no longer sponsored by The Horse Back Street Choppers Magazine, not much has changed and what has changed has changed for the better. Great musical entertainment, drag racing, camping, mini-bike racing ─ the list goes on. My highlight was the ride-in bike show headed by Prince Najar (he’s not really a prince) who always puts on a quality event.
You will not find a more enjoyable place to spend the weekend experiencing everything an Old School biker party has to offer. Thanks to Edge and Jeff for always keeping Barnett’s Magazine in the loop.
For more information on the event go to: