Uncle D’s Airbrushing Cycle Boyz 100 in. Ultima El Bruto
By Mark Barnett
Photos by Dale Lawrence
You might think this is another case of it being cold in Canada and bikers have a lot of time to paint their bikes. In this case, it is deeper than that. Bike owner Dale Lawrence is a custom bike and car painter, with airbrushing his specialization. He lives reasonably close to the Cycle Boyz, Brent and Derrick Law, who regularly build prize-winning custom bikes. Dale decided he needed a showpiece, a display bike that he could enter into shows and use as a sample for customers. Not wanting to spend a fortune, he purchased an Ultima Fat Bastard kit bike which came with a 100 cubic inch Ultima motor, softail frame with air ride, wheels, and assorted pieces. He sent the kit over to Brent and Derrick who then custom fabbed the seat, tank, fenders, pipes, and made some alterations to the frame. He ended up with a very custom, one-off looking bike at close to a kit bike pricing. Just what the good air brushing doctor ordered.
Next the bike’s surfaces were prepped by Dean Atchison of Atchie, Inc. And once the canvas was made ready, Dale went to work illustrating the better part of the Book of Revelations in every nook and cranny of this, sorry, Fat Bastard. As the owner’s bike, it got pushed to the back of the shop and worked on only between jobs, so the bike you see here took almost three years to finish. If you have time, click on the “click here to see extra photos” line and look through each one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bike with more intensive paintwork. And the mixture of kit bike and custom touches was pretty creative, the Cycle Boyz did a good job as usual. You can read about Ultima kit bikes at www.ultimaproducts.com and Brent and Derrick’s site is www.cycleboyz.com. Dale’s airbrushing business is called Uncle D’s and is located on the web at www.uncledsairbrushing.com. The model in some of the photos is Dale’s wife Laura.
Overall, this is custom bike building taken to the artistic extreme. The bike was finished this summer, taken on tour and returned to Dale just in time for winter so he hasn’t got to put many miles on it. I don’t think they make large enough crashbars for a bike like this; he might have to look into some kind of electronic force field to protect that paint job. One final aspect that Dale wanted pointed out. In his view most paintjobs similar to this look a little too much like they are glorifying evil. Dale is proud to be a Christian biker and if you look closely at the paint work, Dale shows a more accurate interpretation of the Book of Revelations, with evil taking the beating.
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